Amiruddin Amiruddin


Authority or "gezag" is a power of influence that exists in a person, so that other people who deal with him consciously and voluntarily become submissive and obedient to him. So whoever has authority, will be obeyed consciously, without being forced, with full awareness, awareness, submission, obedience, obeying everything that the owner of that authority wants. There are several ways to develop authority, including: 1) Increasing the quality of faith and devotion to God Almighty; 2) Understand yourself and the responsibilities you have to bear; 3) Understand the environment in which you find yourself; 3) Develop personal competence adequately; 4) Personal competence or ability includes physical, social, intellectual, spiritual, mental, personal competence, and so on; and 5) Effective self-presentation based on the elements above.


Authority, Power, Responsibility

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