ISSN 2579-5341 (Online)
Query: Journal of Information Systems is a journal that published by Major of Information Systems, Department of Information System, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
Query start published in April 2017, which is Vol 01 No. 1 2017. Query published a journal twice a year, in April and October. The mission of Query are to share, develop and facilitate the output of research paper about Information Systems.
Editors invite researchers, practitioners, and students to write scientific developments in fields related to information systems/information technology.
The scope of Query’s Journal are: Decision Support System (DSS), Executive Information System (EIS), Geography Information Systems (GIS), Information System-scale Enterprise (ERP, EAI, CRM, SCM), E-Commerce, IT Governance, Information Systems of Banking, Information Systems of Industry, Retrieval Information, Information System Security, Information System Web-Based, Knowledge-based Systems, Mobile Computing, Databases, Data Warehouse, and Multimedia.
Editor in Chief
Mhd. Irwan Padli Nasution (ScopusID:57189250174), Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sumatera Utara Medan, Indonesia

Posted: 2023-03-23 | |||
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VOLUME: 07, NUMBER: 01, APRIL 2023
Table of Contents
Adjie Surya Ananda Siregar, Tantri Hidayati Sinaga, Eka Rahayu
Muhammad Bagoes Ilhamy, Boni Oktaviana Sembiring, Arief Ridho Lubis, Eka Rahayu