Journal of Gender and Social Inclusion in Muslim Societies

Journal of Gender and Social Inclusion in Muslim Societies (JGSIMS) is a journal of the Center for Gender and Child Studies (PSGA), UIN North Sumatra Medan, which is published periodically every 6 (six) months with a thematic in Juny and December. JGSIMS as a dialectical place for scientific knowledge of academic people in gender and child studies, especially in the relations of normativity and historicity of the archipelago both in an Islamic perspective and in general. The editor invited experts, researchers, academics, and activists to invest their thoughts in the form of research results or in-depth studies according to the focus and scope of JGSIMS. The manuscript is original and has not been published in other media. The editor has the right to select the incoming text and edit it without losing the substance of the author's idea. The Journal of Gender and Social Inclusion in Muslim Societies (JGSIMS) as the name of the journal is expected to transform a balanced relationship between men and women, as the journal position can be accessed and utilized by anyone regardless of gender so that a harmonious social life can be achieved in a family, social, and national.

ISSN 2685-1520 (Print)

ISSN 2716-3733 (Online)

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Vol 5, No 2 (2024)

Table of Contents


Dhea Fitri Saragih, Putra Apriadi Siregar, Isnaini Alya Amanda Dalimunthe, Putra Apriadi Siregar, Isnaini Alya Amanda Dalimunthe, Riski Andriani, Riski Andriani
Nabila Isma Zahra, Suro Rahmadhona Tumangger, Dinda Zalfa Aulia, Putra Apriadi Siregar
Romi Zahir Manik, Putra Apriadi Siregar
Eva Sahriani Sikumbang, Indah Aulia Pratiwi Saragih, Putra Apriadi Siregar, Indah Fadillah, Lily Rahmanda, Radha Agri Br.Ginting, Ruqayah Salsabila Parapat, Sumi Fitri Winanti
Nurul Azmi, Putra Apriadi Siregar, Sindi Julfa Saphira, Nurida Sipahutar, Ardiansyah Pratama Sitorus, Fitri Handayani
Azzahra Al Adawiyah, Dyva Patricia Siahaan, Fifia El Zuhra