EDU-RILIGIA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam dan Keagamaan

EDU RILIGIA: Journal of Islamic and Religious Education sciences formed in year 2017 with E-ISSN 2581-0251 with DECREE No. 0005.25810251/JI. 3.1/SK. ISSN/2017.07-27 July 2017 and P-ISSN 2597-7377 SK No. 0005.25977377/JI. 3.1/SK. ISSN/2017.09-19 September 2017. The study and judgment done by the experts (peer-reviewed). The journal is affiliated to the UIN graduate of North Sumatera Islamic Education study Program located in Medan. The purpose of this journal is to be a writing platform relating to education, research for students, alumni and other academic civitas related to the scope of this journal.

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Vol 9, No 1 (2025): Januari-Maret

Table of Contents


Nur Hamimah, Jahrul Sihotang, Azizah Hanum
Rafika Nisa, Usiono Usiono
Fatma Gustina
Muhammad Husni, Abdullah Abdullah, Ahmad Tamrin Sikumbang
Sapar Rudin, Parianto Parianto, Tuti Alawiyah
Baharuddin Baharuddin, Abdullah Abdullah, Ahmad Tamrin Sikumbang
Abdul Haris Lubis, Abdullah Abdullah, Ahmad Tamrin Sikumbang