EDU-RILIGIA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam dan Keagamaan

EDU RILIGIA: Journal of Islamic and Religious Education sciences formed in year 2017 with E-ISSN 2581-0251 with DECREE No. 0005.25810251/JI. 3.1/SK. ISSN/2017.07-27 July 2017 and P-ISSN 2597-7377 SK No. 0005.25977377/JI. 3.1/SK. ISSN/2017.09-19 September 2017. The study and judgment done by the experts (peer-reviewed). The journal is affiliated to the UIN graduate of North Sumatera Islamic Education study Program located in Medan. The purpose of this journal is to be a writing platform relating to education, research for students, alumni and other academic civitas related to the scope of this journal.

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Vol 8, No 4 (2024): Oktober-Desember

Table of Contents


Holida Munasti, Kamil Gulo, Azizah Hanum
Ade Yunita Tri Harlin, Ramlan Padang
Dwi Lutfiana Sari
Shindid Gunagraha, Anwar Dhani
khoirunnisa fadila
khotimatul majidah S
Amelia Mardani Pane, Peny Husna Handayani
saida khairiyah