JURNAL ABDI MAS ADZKIA is a community service journal managed and published by the Center for Community Service LP2M UIN North Sumatra Medan. Abdi Mas Adzkia publishes the results of research-based community service with the theme of community empowerment or certain professional groups, family empowerment, madrasah development, application of appropriate technology, education or sustainable development, and training programs.
situs toto
We are happy to announce that Jurnal Abdi Mas Adzkia is now SINTA 5 |
Posted: 2022-01-01 |
Vol 5, No 2 (2025): Januari - Juli 2025
Table of Contents
Heridayani Heridayani, Fitri Ani, Prima Yanti Siregar, Suci Dianhiny, Leo Benny, Andrysyah Andrysyah, Rizki Hikmatun Nisa