تأثير استخدام طريقة الإملاء المنظور لترقية مهارة الكتابة لطالبات الفصل الأول في المدرسة الدينية "دار الفلاح" جوكير جومبانج

Abid Syarifuddin, Fathur Rahman


The Imla mandhur method is that students look at and study the reading text in the book or on the blackboard, then close the book or the one on the blackboard. Then the teacher told him to rewrite. This method is carried out at Madrasah Diniyah darul falah 1 Cukir Jombang. The purpose of this method research is to find out how much it affects students' Arabic writing skills in madrasas. The research method used is quantitative which is competitive with technical data analysis of normality test, linearity test and determination coefficient test. There is a real influence of the imla mandhur method on improving writing skills, namely by knowing that the significance value (sig-2 tailed) is 0.007 which means that the value of 0.05 is less than 0.007, so it can be said. concluded that the null hypothesis of HO was rejected and the alternative hypothesis of Ha was accepted. The Square value (determination coefficient/determination coefficient) was obtained at 0.612 which means that the influence of the imla mandhur variable (X) on the writing skill variable (y) is 0.612 if changed to 61.2% or rounded to 61.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30821/ihya.v10i2.22357


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