استخدام علامات الترقيم بالفاصلة (الفاصلة باللغة العربية)
This study aims to analyse the function of commas in Arabic and provide an explanation of the rules and common errors that are often encountered in writing commas and differences in commas in Indonesian. The method used is a qualitative method with a literature study approach, primary and secondary data collection techniques in the form of books and journals. Based on the results of data analysis conducted by the author regarding commas in Arabic, firstly, commas in Arabic serve as separators between items in a list, commas are placed after connecting words, marking pauses in sentences, and secondly, commas in Arabic and Indonesian have the same purpose but their placement can vary depending on the context and grammar of each language.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30821/ihya.v11i1.23400
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