Khairiyah Agustina


Abstract :This research is generally aimed to describe Implementation of Islamic Counseling
Service at Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Tanjung Tiram. Specifically, however, this study aims to
describe the implementation of individual Islamic counseling services and group counseling guidance at
State Senior High School 1 Tanjung Tiram, with details to describe what issues are addressed through
individual and group Islamic counseling services, to describe how How to carry out individual Islamic
counseling services and counseling guidance services and any barriers that occur in carrying out individual
Islamic counseling services and group counseling services. The type of research used in this thesis
uses qualitative research and the approach is done using naturalistic method. The informants in this
research are Headmaster, Senior High School (SMA) Negeri 1 Tanjung Tiram Batu Bara Regency, Three
Teachers Counseling Guidance (counselor ) Students of class X, XI, and XII, and Guardians Class X, XI,
and XII data obtained from two sources are primary data sources and secondary data sources. With data
collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation, as for data analysis techniques
performed by data reduction (data collection), presentation of data, and conclusions. To ensure the validity
of the data, the researcher uses triangulation technique, triangulation is defined as a data aggregation
technique that combines from various data collection techniques and data sources that already exist.

Full Text:



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EDU-RILIGIA: Vol. 1 No. 1 Januari-Maret 2017



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