THE VALUES EDUCATION CHILDREN’S OF PERSPECTIVE THE KORAN (Stories Tafsir The Koran Surah Ibrahim Chapter 35-36 and Surah Yusuf Chapter 5)
Ibrahim ayat 35-36 dan surah Yusuf 5? 2) What are the values of children’s education contained in the
Qur’anic surah Ibrahim and surah Yusuf? and 3) What is the relevance of the values of children’s
education in Surah Ibrahim and Yusuf at the present time with the future?. This study uses a qualitative
method, using the Tafsir approach to interpretation, which uses the primary source is the Koran. Among
the commentaries used are tafsir al-Marâgi by Ahmad bin Musthafâ al-Marâgi, Ibn Katsir’s tafsîr by
Muhammad, the fate of Ar-Rifa’i. The results showed that: 1) Explanation of how the interpretation of
the scholars about children’s education in the Qur’an Ibrahim and Surah Yusuf surah, is: Islamic education
can form a person who is capable of realizing divine justice in the human community and is able to
utilize natural potential by using fair. 2) There are four values of Islamic education in the surah Ibrahim
and surah Yususf in the Qur’an, are: the values of aqeedah, values of leadership, values of worship
and moral values. 3) The relevance of the values of children’s education in the surah Ibrahim and
Surah Yusuf that occur in the present condition of society, namely decadation of morals, morals and
hubbuds of dunyâ. This condition is reflected in the values of Islamic education in the study of Ibrahim
and Surah Yusuf in the Qur’an that the values of Islamic education in the study of Surah Ibrahim and
Surah Yusuf in the Qur’an can change human moral conditions for the better guided by the Koran and
Hadith, enhance noble attitudes, behave well, believe in themselves, foster tolerance, and possess qana’ah.
Keywords: Values Education, Children’s, Koran
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