Rosnani Rosnani


Abstrak: The purpose of this study is to determine the involvement of teachers Akidah Akhlak in
the development of student personality, the program applied teachers Akidah Akhlak in the development
of student personality, the forms of activities that teachers do Akhlak Akhlak in guidance
personality students, constraints faced by teachers Akidah Akhlak in the development of student
personality , And know the efforts of teachers Akidah Akhlak overcome the barrier of student
personality development in MTs Amal Shaleh Medan Tuntungan.This research is using qualitative
research methods in order to reveal in depth data and facts about the implementation of learning
Akidah Akhlak in coaching student personality in MTs Swasta Amal Shaleh Medan Tuntungan.
Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and document review. Then the data is
analyzed by data reduction step, data exposure, and conclusion. In this case the data is checked
with techniques of credibility, dependability, komfirmabilitas, and transferability. The result of
this research are (1) Involvement of Akidah Akhlak teacher in the development of student personality
in MTs Amal Shaleh Medan Tuntungan that is teacher as mentor or guidance to students, for
example or role model, and teacher as motivator for students in madrasah. (2) The teacher’s
effort in the development of student personality in MTs Swasta Amal Shaleh Medan Tuntungan is
by instilling the values of the faith to the students, guiding the students to implement the practice
of religion, familiarizing the behavior of religious worship practice, and supervising the students
behavior. (3) The form of student coaching personality control activities conducted at MTs Swasta
Amal Shaleh Medan Tuntungan is to foster student behavior toward God. Foster student perilkau
against fellow human beings, and foster behavior towards the environment. (4) Obstacles faced in
developing student personality are the lack of awareness of students to implement the behavior of
religious teachings and bad environmental influences cause students not to practice religion. (5)
Overcoming obstacles is to give understanding to students that a good personality, invites to all
parents to pay attention to students at home.

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At-Tazakki: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan Islam dan Humaniora

Program Studi Pendidikan Islam

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