Irwansyah, Lahmuddin Lubis, Salminawati


Abstract: This study aims to determine and analyze the problems of counseling guidance faced by
students of MAN 3 Medan, to analyze the implementation of counseling guidance at MAN 3 Medan,
to analyze the factors supporting and inhibiting counseling guidance at MAN 3 Medan,to analyze
the contributions that have resulted from the implementation of counseling guidance in MAN 3
Medan. This research method uses descriptive determination method with a qualitative approach,
that is, the instrument is the researcher’s own tool, data obtained from two sources, namely primary
and secondary sources. With data collection techniques through observation, interviews and
documentation, while the data analysis technique is done by data reduction (data collection), data
presentation, and conclusions. The data validity technique is carried out with credibility, transferability,
dependability and confirmability. The findings in this study, are as follows: First, the problems
faced by students at MAN 3 Medan are not yet having the awareness to study seriously, most
students at MAN 3 Medan have not carried out worship activities seriously, sometimes students
show attitude that is not polite to the teacher, shows the behavior that is generally experienced by
students in general such as ditching, teasing friends and others and not doing homework. Secondly,
the implementation of guidance and counseling at MAN 3 Medan is compiling a work program
involving all council teachers, making work formulas related to guidance and counseling
services, mapping service areas and prioritizing in the religious field which becomes guidance and
counseling services. Third, the supporting factors for guidance and counseling services at MAN 3
Medan are the existence of data instrument applications, data sets and case of conferences.
Key Word: Implementation, Counseling Guidelines, Madrasah Aliyah Negeri

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At-Tazakki: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan Islam dan Humaniora

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