Yurid Audina, Rina Filia Sari, Rina Widyasari


The city of Medan is the city with the highest cases of COVID-19 virus among cities in North Sumatra. This study was conducted to analyze the relative risk level for the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Estimation of relative risk is a statistic in disease mapping that is used to determine the distribution of disease. Relative risk estimation can be estimated using a direct estimator model or Standardized Morbility ratio and a small area estimation model using Bayesian Conditional Autoregressive (CAR) with the Poisson-Gamma model. The Poisson-Gamma model is one of the models in estimating small areas in the form of count data which is suitable for use in disease mapping cases. This study aims to find the relative risk value as the basis for mapping the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the city of Medan using the Standardized Morbility Ratio and Bayesian Condition Autoregressive models. And look for the value of the Central Error Squared (KTG) / Mean Squared Error (MSE) as a comparison which model is more efficient in estimating this research. Condition Autoregressive models. And look for the value of the Central Error Squared (KTG) / Mean Squared Error (MSE) as a comparison which model is more efficient in estimating this research.


Risk Analysis; Spatial analysis; Covid-19

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Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science and Technology
State Islamic University of North Sumatra
Campus IV Medan Tuntungan, North Sumatra, Indonesia


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