Peer Review Process

Publication Criteria

The publication of articles in JISTech (Journal of Islamic Science and Technology) depends on their scientific validity and coherence, as judged by editors and/or peer reviewers. Manuscripts are evaluated for clarity, contribution to the field, and adherence to scientific standards. JISTech acknowledges and appreciates the contributions made by reviewers.

Initial Evaluation of Manuscripts

The Editor conducts an initial evaluation of all submissions. Exceptional manuscripts may be accepted at this stage, although this is rare. Manuscripts may be rejected if they lack originality, contain significant scientific flaws, or fall outside the journal's scope. Manuscripts meeting the minimum criteria are forwarded for expert review.

Type of Peer Review

JISTech uses a blind peer review process where reviewers do not know the authors' identities. This ensures an unbiased evaluation of the manuscript's scientific validity, originality, and clarity.

Review Reports

Reviewers assess manuscripts based on the following criteria:

  • Originality, with clear objectives and research gaps.
  • Methodological soundness.
  • Ethical compliance.
  • Results and findings that are well-presented and support the conclusions.
  • Proper referencing of prior relevant work.

Note: Reviewers are not responsible for language corrections or copyediting. This remains the responsibility of the authors.


The Editor makes the final decision to accept or reject a manuscript based on reviewers' feedback. When necessary, the Editor consults the Editorial Board. The Editor’s decision is final and reflects a balanced consideration of the reviewers' recommendations.