Pelestarian bahan pustaka di museum balaputera dewa Sumatera Selatan

Muhammad Buang


This study aims to determine the obstacles and efforts to prevent the preservation of library materials, especially in ancient manuscripts and collections in the Museum Balaputera Dewa South Sumatra. From the results of research, namely interviews and observations, observations and records that Balaputera Museum God is still a lot of obstacles and barriers in terms of preservation. The method used by qualitative research in the form of data collection with observation and interview techniques. Observation here by observing the Museum Balaputera Dewa itself, while the interviews come to the chairman of the collection and conservation section Balaputera Museum of South Sumatra. From the observation that we can, Balaputera Dewa Museum has not done its job well, due to lack of fund and human resources (Human Resources) to do conservation. However, the Balaputera Dewa Museum still promotes conservation and restoration with a modest tool. Keywords: preservation of library materials, preservation, conservation, restoration

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