Perancangan aplikasi interactive learning berbasis multimedia
Learning is an activity that involves a person in an effort to
acquire knowledge and skills by utilizing a variety of educational
resources for learning . Application of multimedia -based
interactive learning system serves to facilitate learning and
teaching conducted by students and professors . Because the
learning process can involve two parties , namely students and
professors as facilitators . Most important in the learning process
of learning activities going on well . By utilizing computer
technology is expected to help teaching more interactive and
engaging student interest in learning . Multimedia-based
interactive learning applications using multimedia -based program
in creating animation , sounds , text , and images that can
support teaching and learning process to be more easily
understood and can be done anytime and anywhere .
Keywords: Applications Interactive Learning, Multimedia,
Information and Communication Technology
Full Text:
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Isniatun Munawaroh, Pengembangan_bahan_pembelajaran_6.pdf
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