The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of
implementing 21st century literacy-based character education at MTs
Negeri 2 Labuhanbatu.This research is a qualitative research in the form of
a case study. This research was conducted at MTs Negeri 2 Labuhanbatu.
The respondents of this study were school principals, vice principals,
teachers and students. Data collection techniques by observation,
interviews and documents. The results of this study are that MTs Negeri 2
Labuhanbatu has implemented character education based on literacy as
well as culture and citizenship well by making careful learning plans.
Where madrasas have developed planning and learning systems through
literacy programs that can explore the intelligence and noble character of
students, MTs Negeri 2 Labuhanbatu has implemented quite well
programs implementing literacy-based character education based on
literacy literacy as well as culture and citizenship and trying to improve
programs so that it can be more easily implemented by teachers and
students. Character education based on literacy as well as culture and
citizenship is implemented by habituating students at MTs Negeri 2
Labuhanbatu. so that students are directly able to obtain and apply
character education to themselves so as to create output of students who
have good character, are noble, and have a sense of love for culture and the
homeland. The implementation of the literacy program at MTs Negeri 2
Labuhanbatu for literacy literacy in schools includes providing reading
corner facilities in each classroom, reading garden facilities, and a library.
As for cultural literacy and citizenship, there are extracurricular cultures,
scouts and nationalities.
Keywords: er Education, 21st Century Literacy, and Literacy in Literacy, and Cultural
and Citizenship Literacy
Full Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30821/hijri.v12i2.17761
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