Sahimin Min


Abstract: This research aims to know the 1) The learning outcomes of students taught with
Islamic Studies model learning Problem Based Learning is higher than the results of the learning
of students who are taught with the conventional learning model, 2) The results of learning
Islamic Studies students who have a visual learning style that is taught by learning model
of Problem Based Learning is higher than the results of a study of students who have a kinesthetic
learning style, 3) The results of learning Islamic Studies students who have a visual
learning style taught by conventional learning model is higher than the results of a study of
Islamic Studies students who have learning style kinesthetic, 4) the influence between the
model of learning and learning style against the results of student learning in Islamic studies.
The population in this research is the entire class VII students of SMP Negeri 1 Kabanjahe a
Muslim amounted to 90 people. Sample withdrawal technique used was random sampling
techniques. Sample research amounted to 60 students of which 30 students as a group experiment
that taught with Problem Based Learning and 30 students as a group with the conventional
learning model. Research methods used are factorial experimental design with all 2 x 2.
Data analysis technique used is the test of ANAVA two lines on the significant extent of á =
0.05. The results of this research is 1) student learning outcomes that are taught with a model
learning Problem Based Learning higher than students taught with the conventional value of
learning model fh 16.68 Ã ft 3.99 on significant level á = 0.05, 2) learning outcome of students
with a visual learning style is higher compared to the results of a study of Islamic Studies
students with kinaesthetic learning style with a value of fh 15.30 Ã ft 3.99 on significant level
á = 0.05, 3) the results of a study of students who have a visual learning style taught by
Problem Based Learning is more tingggi compared to students who have a kinesthetic learning
style with a value of fh 7.889 Ã ft 3.980 at significant levels á = 0.05, 4) There are influences
between the use of a model of learning and learning style against the results of the study
of Islamic Studies students with value fh 4.25 > ft = 3.99.

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