Nurmisda ramayani


Abstract: Humans have the ability to think that is still in the form of potential, then become actual
through al-ta’lim and al-riyâa’h in accordance with its physical and mental development, the outside
world that is affected and programmed and even planned will be able to optimize human potential better
In the future. The ability of human thinking will emerge in actuality after humans have the ability tamyiz
(ability to distinguish) between good and bad to do, because people will think that the results of what he
has done will be in accordance with the process or business. Man’s tamyiz ability can encourage people to
do positive things through education, many factors are considered in achieving educational goals, such as
always pay attention to the methods of education applied in schools, because it will affect and facilitate the
providers of education To be more effective and efficient in achieving goals. Among them are the application
of rewards and punishments in the learning process, this is one of the many teaching methods in
education. The application of both methods is often misunderstood by educational practitioners, even if
linked to the jurisprudence laws there will be a judge that the world of Islamic education is seen as those
who impose military discipline and apply harsh punishment. In fact it is not so, Imam Al-Ghazali including
one of the figures who fight for the elimination of harsh punishment against learners. This study aims to
find and know how the views of Islamic education leaders about punishment and reward, to know how
the implementation of rewards in the learning process at school, the execution of punishment in the
learning process at school, what are the constraints faced in implementing the rewards and punishments
in the learning process in school, and what are the solutions to the constraints faced in implementing the
rewards and punishments in the learning process in school.

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