Hirawti Hirawati


Abstract: Contextual learning model is a learning concept that helps students to the formation of
critical, active and innovative attitude, because the students have the opportunity to try it by their
own experience and construct it through the guidance and direction of the teacher. The learning
process takes place naturally in the form of student activities learn and experience it. Implementation
of Contextual Learning Model in the Development of Student Morals in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2
Medan Model aims to make learning more productive and meaningful. This thesis includes the type
of qualitative research. The study intends to understand what subjects are experiencing. In this study
data collection using observation, interviews, and documentation. The collected data is then analyzed
using descriptive analysis method. Further data processing using three main steps in research,
namely: data reduction, data presentation (display data), and verification (inferring data). In this
research, it turns out the contextual learning model in the learning process becomes better than the
conventional learning model. Learning becomes more actively creative and innovative. In addition to
teachers convey the material and integrate the moral values by inviting students to accustomed to
apply the moral values in everyday life, teachers also managed to bring up some components of
contextual learning on the learning model, among others:1) constructivism arises because the experience
gained by finding students by themselves; 2) finds (inquiry) appear on assignment and pours
the observations and draws conclusions; 3) questions (questionsing) arise when students ask about
assigned problems, discussions, work in groups when answering questions of direction; 4) Learning
community emerged during group discussions and class discussions; 5). Modeling occurs when the
teacher gives an example.

Full Text:



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EDU-RILIGIA: Vol. 1 No. 1 Januari-Maret 2017



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