Achyar Zein, Ali Imran Sinaga, Marni Agustia


Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine, 1) the existence of Al Quran learning in the North
Sumatra Islamic School, 2) the structure of the Al Quran learning curriculum in the Islamic School in
North Sumatra. The approach used is a qualitative field (field research). Qualitative research is used to
describe words and actions to understand phenomena experienced by natural research objects or in the
context of wholeness, in this research, the instrument is the learning of the Koran, so the type of research
used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The findings of this study are 1) The ability of the
North Sumatra Islamic Center Madrasah Aliyah in maintaining its existence both within the Islamic
Center North Sumatra Foundation and its surrounding environment can already be proven by the
madrasa. 2) In the learning process, teachers who teach at the North Sumatra Islamic Center only use
the method they got from their previous tahfizhul Quran teachers without knowing the name of the
method. But it does not reduce the ability of teachers and the quality of students in teaching. 3) Teaching
materials are only intended for class X students. 4) The strategy used by the North Sumatra Islamic
Center Madrasah Aliyah in maximizing the learning of Tahfiz Alquran, namely: Reducing the number of
students in the tahfizh class which initially numbered from 20 to 25 people. Changes in memorization
time which were initially implemented in the morning and evening, are combined into the morning
before formal study hours. A tahsin program was formed for new students. Do not classify students
based on their speed in memorization. 5) Evaluation is carried out several times a year, namely daily
evaluation, evaluation of the increase in the Quran, semester evaluation and annual evaluation.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47006/er.v3i4.6874


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