Tuppak Padang, Saiful Akhyar Lubis2, Edi Saputra


Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine, 1) the implementation of group guidance in
overcoming student learning difficulties at MAN Dairi, 2) supporting and inhibiting factors in implementing
group guidance in overcoming student learning difficulties at MAN Dairi, 3) the effectiveness of
group guidance in overcoming student learning difficulties at MAN Dairi. The approach used is descriptive
qualitative data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The findings
of this study are 1) The implementation of group guidance at MAN Dairi in overcoming students‘
learning difficulties is carried out by creating categories for students who have problems and students
who have achievements. So that in the community or group it will be clearly seen how to approach
students who do have problems and need solutions, or students who do need more motivation to
develop their potential towards better, 2) As for the supporting factors in the implementation of guidance
groups in overcoming student learning difficulties are: a) sufficient number of BK teacher personnel and
clear division of tasks, b) Good coordination between BK teachers, homeroom teachers, Madrasah
Head Assistants (PKM/WKM), Madrasah Principals and parents of students, c) Resolving problems
quickly. Meanwhile the inhibiting factors in the implementation of group guidance in overcoming student
learning difficulties are: a) Internal factors (originating from within the students themselves), b)
Student‘s residence is relatively far from school, c) Muslim minority environment, and 3) while the
effectiveness of implementing group guidance in overcoming student learning difficulties has a very
significant impact especially in terms of reducing or solving their problems. Besides, the group guidance
program also functions in developing students’ potential towards becoming even better.
Keywords: Implementation, Group guidance, Students dificulty

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