education, determine the urgency of arithmetic operations in the Qur’an against mathematics education,
and see the relevance of arithmetic operations in the Qur’an to modern mathematics education. The
method used in this study is qualitative in library research design, because all that wants to be investigated is
sourced from literature and in this study using maudhu’s interpretation. The results of the study of arithmetic
operations in the Qur’anic cues to Mathematics Education are: first, the Qur’an implies arithmetic operations
in mathematics education implicitly wherein the sum by stating the results and in subtraction, multiplication
and division only shows the part of the arithmetic operations, the existence of arithmetic operations in the
Qur’an as a means of human thinking in order to think mathematically. Second, the urgency of arithmetic
operations in the Qur’an for mathematics education is stated that arithmetic operations in the Qur’an are
very important for mathematics education as a means of thinking, cues for the need for innovation in learning,
justification of mathematical principles, erasing thought of dichotomy in science, and as a cue for
learning mathematics. Third, the relevance of arithmetic operations in the Qur’an to modern mathematics
education is in line with the spirit of Islamic integration in science and learning carried out by Islamic education
in this modern era. Qur’anic arithmetic operations can be material in integrated mathematics learning.
The existence of arithmetic operations in the Qur’an for mathematics education is also very related in learning
the 2013 curriculum which emphasizes the scientific approach.
Full Text:
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