Ihyaur Rahmi, Hasan Asari, Ja’far


Abstract: This research aims to describe the historical dynamics Madrasah Muallimin UNIVA Medan
since 1958 to 2018. This research use historical research, which is conducted four steps; 1). heuristics, 2).
criticism, 3). interpretation, and 4). historiography. The sample of this research was the headmaster of
madrasah, teachers, alumni, and the references which is related to research. The result of this study was
written in three chapters; chapter II: The background of the establishment of Madrasah Muallimin UNIVA
Medan which is seen from 3 aspects; a) Intellectual background: the establishment of Madrasah Muallimin
was to prepare students of Universitas of Al Washliyah (UNIVA) Medan and to prepare religion teacher; b)
Religious background; the : the establishment of Madrasah Muallimin is to prepare Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah’s
future Ulama; c) Social background of Madrasah Mualimin caused by high public interest to continue their
education to Aliyah and Higher Education levels while at that time Aliyah’s institutions were limited.
Chapter III: Historical dynamic Madrasah viewed from 3 aspect, a) Curriculum: Madrasah Muallimin
UNIVA Medan implemented in two curricula namely Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah curriculum and National
curriculum from the beginning until now; b) Educator: educators in Madrasah Muallimin are profesional
educator both educators for diniyah lessons and general lessons educators with traditions Madrasah of
recruited especially for diniyah lesson educators with a lifetime of service or as long as the educator is able
to educate at Madrasah Muallimin UNIVA Medan; c) Students: The students of madrasah Muallimin
comes from various regions in Indonesia, especially North Sumatera and some them comes from Malaysia
with the number of studets constantly increasing. Chapter IV: The historical dynamcs of social relevance
of madrasah while maintainng the characteristics of the learning by traditional Islamic texts and
madrsah program innovations in the form of Tahfiz progrmas and Alquran clinical programs.
Keyword: Dynamics, Historrycal and Madrasah

Full Text:



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47006/er.v3i4.6517


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