Muhammad Habib Nasution, Syamsu Nahar, Edi Saputra


Abstract: The purpose of this study is 1) To analyze the contextual strategy planning in learning the
Qur’anic Hadith in Private MTs Kec. Sunggal, 2) To analyze the implementation/application of contextual
learning strategies of the Qur’anic Hadith in Private MTs Kec. Sunggal, 3) To analyze the evaluation of the
contextual learning strategies of the Qur’an in the Private MTs Kec. Sunggal. With a qualitative research
methodology using field research. Data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and
documentation. The findings of this study are 1) Contextual strategy planning in learning the Koran of
Hadith at MTs Al Washliyah Medan Krio done through the stages of making the Learning Implementation
Plan (RPP) by the applicable curriculum. So that nothing comes out of the material that will discuss in the
study of the Koran of Hadith. Furthermore, after the lesson plan is made and collected with the viceprincipal
and the curriculum area is gathered in a teacher meeting to receive input from other teachers
who teach the same subjects or from other teachers with different subjects so that what is planned can be
adjusted to the attitude students in class to further be carried out in learning, 2) Implementation of contextual
strategies in learning the Koran of Hadith in MTs Al Washliyah Medan Krio is to use appropriate
learning methods such as using illustrations and examples in learning that are appropriate to daily life, then
to perpetuate their memories are related to the Qur’an and Hadith, the teacher gives memorization assignments
to students and the teacher of the Qur’an Hadith always displays a simple profile so that it can be an
example for students, and 3) Evaluation of contextual strategies in learning the Qur’anic Hadith at MTs Al
Washliyah Medan Krio is ah by conducting competency tests contained in the student worksheet (LKS),
and evaluating the memorization of students with a memorized memorizing system and conducting routine
tests including daily tests, midterm tests, and semester tests.
Keywords: Contextual Learning Strategy, Quran Hadith, Al Washliyah

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