Dede Irma, Saiful Akhyar Lubis, Syamsu Nahar


Abstract: This study uses a qualitative approach to literature of the object. The purpose of this
study was to determine the concept, implementation and relevance of services for Islamic counseling
in the formation of mental health according to Zakiah Daradjat. The results showed that:
1) The concept of Islamic counseling services in the formation of mental health according to
Zakiah Daradjat basically needed help to overcome the difficulties it faced and various psychological
services emerged; and religion was the most important element in mental development. 2)
Implementation of Islamic counseling services in the formation of mental health according to
Zakiah Daradjat is based on the principles of happiness of the world and the hereafter, principles
of communication and deliberation, principles of benefit, principles of compassion, principles of
honor and respect, principles of security, principles of ta’awun or constructive cooperation, the
principle of tolerance, the principle of justice. 3) The relevance of Islamic counseling services in
the formation of mental health departs from Islamic psychotherapy which has three regions, they
are: households (counselors in this area are parents and the value invested in mental establishment
is taqwa), school (the counselor is all agents schools with education in accordance with the
teachings of religion), and the community (counselors in this area are individuals, especially
leaders and rulers who provide counseling through policies made).
Key Word: Islamic Counseling and Mental Health

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