Wahdi, Achyar Zein, Syamsu Nahar


Abstract: writing a thesis entitled the education of honesty in the perspective of the Koran (the
study of surah al-’ Ankabut), aims to study the Qur’anic verses about honesty in surah al-’
Ankabut. In the writing of the Thesis, the author uses the method of library (library research),
using analytical techniques, that is done by collecting data, especially from the Holy Quran
and Tafsir and of books related to the theme research to be able to draw a conclusion, either
deductive or inductive. The results showed that: 1. The Qur’an describes in surah al-’ Ankabut
about those people who are given God’s test of life, in order to find out who is a believer and
who is a kaafir and also a hypocrite and who is honest and who is a liar. The exam is Sunnatullah
applicable to every human being the unavoidable anyone, but God never test his servants
beyond the limits of his abilities, just the way menyikapinya it does correctly or mendustakannya.
2. then God pointed out earlier, namely the story of the prophets and their followers as a pilot
between honest people and Liars, people who are steadfast in truth and those who oppose the
truth so that it becomes a lesson and get wisdom from that event. 3. God has made man
perfect among other creatures including one of them there is the nature of honesty. As believers
should be able to keep the mandate in a way fortify yourself by reading the Holy Quran as well
as mentadabburi meaning and also founded 30ru, maintaining social relationships and do
charity saleh to avoid nature liars and always istiqomah in upholding the truth and honesty.
It’s good to God and also sesame man.
Key Word: Education Honesty and Holy Quran

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