Akhlak Guru Kepada Murid

Achmad Junaedi Sitika, Yustiara Hafipah, Wihdatul Maulidya, Dewi Wulandari, Nabilah Nur Atikah, Nida Lydia Mustika, Dini Nurbaiti


Morals must always be possessed by every human being, including a student who must have morals towards his teacher. Where the teacher is the guardian of our school though, ideally the teacher is characterized by being pious, patient, guarding one's dignity, chastity, and others which must be an example to all of his students. But we also have to glorify a teacher, must have good morals towards the teacher by appreciating the teacher more, honoring him, obeying all his orders and we don't choose a good teacher because it will affect the learning process that will be carried out.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47006/er.v8i2.20672


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