This research aims to know the 1) The formulation of the qur‟anic recitations of program to improve the student ability of reading qur'an in Madrasah Aliyah Private Al Ma‟sum Stabat, 2) The implementation of the qur‟anic recitations of program to improve the student ability of reading qur'an in Madrasah Aliyah Private Al Ma‟sum Stabat, 3) The evaluation of the qur‟anic recitations of program to improve the student ability of reading qur'an in Madrasah Aliyah Private Al Ma‟sum Stabat. Research methods used are the qualitative approach with descriptive method. The results of this research is 1) The formulation of the qur‟anic recitations of program done in Madrasah Aliyah Private Al Ma‟sum Stabat is in the early years of learning supported by various parties, for example: The Head Of The Madrasa, Deputy Head of the madrasa, teacher's recitations, teachers, with the aim of to improve the student ability of reading qur'an, the material being taught adapted to the major Islamic observances and Another great celebration, 2) The implementation of the qur‟anic recitations of program implemented on the Wednesday to Friday at 14.30 until Praying 'Asr. class X on the Wednesday, class XI on the Thursday and class XII on the Thursday. 3) Process of evaluation of of the qur‟anic recitations of program in Madrasah Aliyah Private Al Ma‟sum Stabat implemented each of the learning and the end of the semester, the teacher held a Koran reading test recitations in recitations.
Kata Kunci: Tilawah Alquran, Kemampuan Membaca Alquran
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