Komunikasi Profetik: Strategi Berdakwah di Era New Media

Ardhian Hasyim Fadhillah


This article aims to find out the prophetic values of communication in preaching in the new media era. Today there are problems in preaching where ethical violations are rampant in new media. Ironically, the existing regulations have not been able to reduce the ethical violations that have occurred so that wild opinions are formed in society. In addition, preaching that ignores ethics causes social segregation and divisions in society. This study uses the literature review method by examining the literature relating to the theme. The data in this article is collected by the author through observation on social media and then reduced by content analysis. The results show that ethical neglect still occurs and is characterized by several contemporary phenomena. To reduce this problem, the Qur'an describes six prophetic communication of the Apostles as a standard in preaching. These six ethics can then be used as a da'wah strategy so that people can accept normative messages and can improve social order


Communication Profetik; Da’wah Strategy; New Media

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.37064/ab.jki.v6i2.15294


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