Pembelajaran matematika jarak jauh berbasis teknologi dapat memberikan dampak positif maupun negatif baik pada siswa maupun guru. Faktor yang memberikan dampak negatif disebabkan oleh pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang tidak memperhatikan personal factor dan personal behavior baik siswa maupun guru. Faktor lainnya adalah pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang tidak menghadirkan pembelajaran yang dekat dengan kehidupan, tradisi dan budaya sekitar siswa, sehingga siswa merasa asing dengan konten masalah dan pembelajaran yang didesain berbasis teknologi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji secara kritis terkait dampak positif dan dampak negatif yang ditinjau dari personal factor dan personal behavior pada pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika jarak jauh berbasis teknologi. Penelitian ini juga mengkaji apakah konteks ethnomathematics dapat diintegrasikan pada model flipped classroom dan direkomendasikan dalam pembelajaran matematika di era New Normal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis investigasi literatur review dengan 5 tahapan, yaitu(1) menyusun pertanyaan review, (2) pengumpulan data literatur, (3) penilaian kritis pada data literatur, (4) ekstraksi data: sintesis dan tematik analisis, dan (5) presentasi temuan dan diskusi. Hasil penelitian memberikan kajian analisis terkait pentingnya personal factor dan personal behavior dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran matematika jarak jauh berbasis teknologi. Hasil penelitian juga memberikan rekomendasi terkait integrasi ethomathematics yang dilaksanakan dalam model pembelajaran berbasis teknologi, salah satunya adalah flipped-classroom model. Model ethno-flipped classroom direkomendasikam sebagai model pembelajaran matematika berbasis campuran yang menggunakan teknologi dalam proses pembelajaran, namun juga tetap menghadirkan pembelajaran matematika bermakna melalui integrasi budaya menggunakan konteks ethnomathematics. Penerapan model ethno-flipped classroom dapat dijadikan salah satu solusi dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika di masa New Normal.
Kata Kunci:
Model Ethno-Flipped Classroom, Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi, Personal Factor, Personal Behavior, New Normal
Technology-based distance learning in Mathematics can give a positive or negative impact on both students and teachers. Factors contributing to negative impact are caused by the implementation of learning that does not pay attention to personal factors and personal behavior of both students and teachers. Other factors are such as the implementation of learning that does not relate to students' life, traditions, and culture in that the problem discussed in the content and the learning designed based on technology are unfamiliar to students. This study aims to critically examine the positive and negative impacts of technology-based distance learning in Mathematics in terms of personal factors and personal behavior. This study also examines whether the ethnomathematics context can be integrated into the flipped classroom model and can be recommended in teaching mathematics in the New Normal era. This is a qualitative study with literature review investigation that has 5 stages, namely (1) compiling review questions, (2) collecting literature data, (3) critical assessment of literature data, (4) data extraction: synthesis and thematic analysis, and (5) presentation of findings and discussion. The results of the study provide an analytical study related to the importance of personal factors and personal behavior in implementing technology-based distance learning in Mathematics. The results also provide recommendations regarding the integration of ethnomathematics in technology-based learning models, including the flipped-classroom model. The ethno-flipped classroom model is recommended as a mixed-based mathematics learning model that uses technology in the learning process but also provides meaningful mathematics learning through cultural integration using ethnomathematics context. The application of the ethno-flipped classroom model can be used as a solution in the implementation of mathematics learning in the New Normal.
Ethno-Flipped Classroom Model, Technology Based Learning, Personal Factor, Personal Behavior, New Normal
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