Ibrahim Hasan


Abstrak: The background of this research is because it is still found that a number of Islamic
education in Indonesia has not applied yet the values that exist in the source of the teachings of
Islam itself that is the Quran. So this study aims to analyze the values of Islamic education contained
in the surah al-Fatihah and connect the values of Islamic education with Islamic education. The result
of this study is expected to add a new perspective in order to apply the values of Islamic education
contained in the Quran.
This research is a library research using a philosophical approach which seeks to see the values of
Islamic education contained in skrah al-Fati%ah. The sources of data used are books of tafs+r Quran
as primary data sources and other supporting books relating to research objects as secondary data
sources. Technique of collecting data using is method of documentation. The data collected is then
analyzed by using tahlily method, comparison, and interpretation.
The results of this study indicate that: 1) There are values of Islamic education in skrah al-Fat%ah,
namely: First, the value of faith education includes faith in God through His grace, faith in God
through the unity of His deeds, faith in God through His name and Character (ar-Rahmn and ar-
Rh+m), and faith in the last day (retaliation). Second, the value of worship education in a broad
sense, that is every activity of goodness done with purpose because Allah Swt and surrender to God
in running worship or deed which cannot be finished. Third, the value of sharia education in a broad
sense, is that religion with all the laws contained therein. Fourth, the educational value of the story
includes the stories of the people who get the favors, the stories of the people who get wrath and the
lost. 2) There is a very close relevance between the values of Islamic education with Islamic education,
namely: First, the Value of Faith serves as the basis of Islamic education covering all components of
education, ranging from educational goals, educational curriculum, methods of education, education
evaluation and so on which should be based on faith, because faith is the foundation in doing various
good deeds. Second, the value of worship education serves as an educational goal, because one of the
goals of Islamic education is to make man as servant of Allah who is assigned only to worship Him.
Third, the value of sharia education is used as the educational objective and educational curriculum
so that people will keep the commandments and regulations of religion (syar+‘ah) that Allah has
assigned to His servants. Fourth, the value of education is used as the method of education in which
the method of education is used in the learning process supported by the material of moral teachings
so that the purpose of Islamic education is manifested, that is to create a plenary man (whole) born
and inner (insn al-kmil), as well as good morality act.

Full Text:



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At-Tazakki: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan Islam dan Humaniora

Program Studi Pendidikan Islam

Pascasarjana UIN Sumatera Utara

Jl. IAIN No. 1 Medan