Al-I'jaz : Jurnal Kewahyuan Islam

Al-I'jaz : Journal of Islamic Studies is a peer-reviewed academic journal, established in 2013 as part of the Ilmu Alquran dan Tafsir of Faculty of Ushuluddin and Islamic Studies of UIN Sumatera Utara Medan. Al-I'jaz is dedicated to the publication of scholarly articles in various branches of Islamic Studies, by which exchanges of ideas as research findings is facilitated. Al-I'jaz welcomes contributions of articles is such fields as Quranic Studies, Prophetic Traditions, Theology, Philosophy, Law and Economics, History, Islamic Education, etc

Journal Homepage Image

P ISSN 2355-1275

E ISSN 2685-628X

Vol 7 No 1 Jan-Jun 2021

Table of Contents


Sayed Akhyar
Muhammad Akbar Rosyidi Datmi, Yogi Sumantri, Kirani Kumala, Desi Muharaini
Ali Darta
Fadhilah Is
Sri Ulfa Rahayu
Andri Nurwandi, Nur Fadhilah Syam