Living Qur’ân: Fadhîlah Surah al-Mulk dalam Tafsir Ibnu Katsîr (Kajian terhadap Tradisi dalam Membaca Surah al-Mulk Ba’da Maghrib di Pondok Pesantren Dârul ‘Ulûm Muara Mais Jambur Kabupaten Mandailing Natal)

Muhammad Muhammad, Ahmad Perdana Indra, Halimah Halimah



Alquran is the word of Allah which contains teachings and life guidance for Muslims. Such a function makes the students of the Islamic Boarding School Dârul 'Ulûm Muara Mais Jambur in Mandailing Natal Regency carry out the tradition of reciting Surah al-Mulk every day after performing the Maghrib prayer in congregation. This tradition is a suggestion from H. Mawardi Lubis Addary, the Headmaster (Mudîr) of the Islamic Boarding School. This tradition has a very positive value and deserves to be preserved. Therefore, the author considers it important to write a study entitled "Living Qur'ân: The Superiority of The Surah al-Mulk in Ibn Katsir's Tafsir (Study of Traditions in Reading Surah al-Mulk Ba'da Maghrib at Islamic Boarding School Dârul 'Ulûm Muara Mais Jambur in Mandailing Natal Regency)”.

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