Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Sistem Inventaris Pada Toko Pakan Ternak UD. Eldina Jaya Kuala Tanjung Menggunakan Metode FIFO
Inventory is an item or material used by an organization or company to run its business. If the company produces a product or service, the material is used to support or provide production needs. Inventory for the company is to anticipate customer needs. Likewise in the manufacturing industry, inventory is used for company activation which is to meet customers who are sometimes unpredictable, so we have to maintain stock inventory in production activities. First-In First-Out (FIFO) is a method of solving the queuing problem that can be applied by reporting the first incoming complaint is assumed to be the first out. If a complaint report is issued it will be resolved first. The author makes an inventory system application that aims to make it easier for UD. Eldina Jaya in facilitating computerized recording of goods and minimizing time in the process of inputting goods into and out.
Keywords: Inventory System, FIFO Method, Microsoft Visual Studio
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30829/algoritma.v6i2.13636
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