
Journal Accreditation Results

New Accreditation Rank 5 from Volume 6 Number 2 Year 2022 to Volume 11 Number 1 Year 2027
Posted: 2025-03-21

Progress of ALGORITMA Accreditation to Arjuna KEMENDIKBUD


ALGORITMA Passes the evaluation desk.

Posted: 2024-10-01 More...

Submission of ALGORITMA Accreditation to Arjuna KEMENDIKBUD


We already have carried out procedures for submitting ALGORITMA accreditation on Arjuna KEMENDIKBUD. We hav econducted a submission procedure on August 29, 2024. We hope that in the next two months, ALGORITMA has received an accreditation decision by the Assessor team and received the best SINTA rating. We always await the participation of all authors and reviewers in the ALGORITMA now and in the future.

Posted: 2024-08-30 More...

Call for Editor/Reviewer


Yang Terhormat Bapak/Ibu:

Kami memanggil Bapak/Ibu yang berminat untuk menjadi volunteer editor dan reviewer dalam Jurnal Algoritma: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informatika Prodi Ilmu Komputer FST UIN Sumatera Utara Medan. Jurnal saat ini sedang proses pengajuan akreditasi.  Sebagai ucapan terima kasih, kami akan memberikan:

1. SK sebagai Editor/Reviewer

2. Sertifikat bagi Editor/Reviewer (dapat digunakan untuk BKD serta kenaikan Jabatan Fungsional dan lainnya sebagaimana manfaat sertifikat tersebut) Apabila Bapak/Ibu berkenan, silahkan mengisi link berikut:

Posted: 2024-08-27

Call for Papers




Name                  :  Algoritma: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informatika

Link                      :

Frequency          :  2 issues per year (April & November)

DOI                      :  Prefix 10.30829/algoritma by Crossref

Publisher            :  Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara


Submit your best article to:



Team Algoritma Journal

Posted: 2024-01-02