Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Nilai Rapot Mutu Siswa Kursus Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Computer Based Intruction (Studi Kasus : LKP/LPK Allcom)

Ucmariance Ucmariance, Supiyandi Supiyandi, Rahmat Fauzi Siregar


Report card is a collection of test scores in the form of hardcopy. Technological advances today are growing very rapidly so that the need for something to be fulfilled is also increasing, which requires a company to move quickly to meet increasing needs. Especially for the process of inputting test scores and the speed with which information reaches each student in terms of test scores. To overcome this problem, a solution emerged that can be seen in this thesis, namely to build an application for student report cards using computer based instructions, namely PHP and MySQL.
In this application, the system works with the teacher inputting the value of the test results into the system, then students can immediately see the value of the test results on the application and students can also print the value into pdf format so that the value can be validated by the head of the course institution.
Keywords: Test scores, Input Values, Compter based instruction, PHP, MySQL

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30829/algoritma.v6i1.11782


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