Sistem Informasi Data Keuangan PT. Ruang Raya Indonesia Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman PHP dan Database Mysql

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Financial Data Information System is an information system that can be used for inputting financial
data, both expenditure data and income data at PT. Ruang Raya Indonesia so that it can be managed
properly so as to produce good financial reporting. The resulting Financial Data Information System
is able to manage financial data which includes income data and expenditure data and data storage
so that the data can be viewed again to be managed as useful information. The design of this
financial data information system uses the PHP programming language and the database uses
MySQL. The results of this financial data information system design show that the role of computer
applications in information systems is very important as a support for the progress of an institution
to produce a financial data report and record financial data that fast, precise and accurate.
Keywords: Information Systems, Finance, Financial Reports, PHP, MySQL

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