The Tradition of Cokbakal and Mbok Sri in the Javanese Islamic Community in Tebing Tinggi, North Sumatera

Mega Amelia Putri


This research aims to explore the unique traditions practiced by the Javanese community in Tebing Tinggi, focusing on their rituals, purposes, and meanings, as well as comparing this tradition with similar practices in other regions. The study specifically examines the Javanese tradition that retains Hindu influences while thriving within a predominantly Muslim society. It investigates whether the tradition has undergone changes over time or remained consistent, and whether it was brought by migrating Javanese communities or originated independently in Tebing Tinggi. The findings of this research indicate that the tradition indeed stems from Hindu influences, reflecting Indonesia's historical adherence to Hinduism before the arrival of Islam. Although Islam became the dominant religion, cultural habits did not disappear entirely. Many similar traditions exist, differing in nomenclature but sharing comparable meanings and purposes. This tradition is notably unique, and the author suggests that such cultural practices should continue to be introduced and preserved. The intricate steps involved in the ritual, each imbued with distinct meanings, highlight the profound appreciation and gratitude of past generations toward the creator.


Tradition; Rice planting; Farmers.

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List of Informants (optional)

Sumadi, community leader in Paya Lobang Village, (September 12, 2024)


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Copyright (c) 2025 Mega Amelia Putri

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Al-Mujtama’: Journal of Social Sciences

Published by Faculty of Social Sciences

State Islamic University of Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia



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