The Existence of the Alas Tribe Community in Preserving Wedding Cultural Practices in Kutacane, Southeast Aceh

Alvira Wiabda Sari Tambunan, Rholand Muary


The study entitled The Existence of the Alas Tribe Community in Preserving Wedding Cultural Practices in Kutacane, Southeast Aceh discusses how the Alas Tribe maintains the sustainability of wedding traditions and what cultural practices are still carried out. The purpose of this study is to understand the efforts of the Alas Tribe in maintaining these traditions. The approach used is descriptive qualitative, with research subjects including Traditional Leaders, Village Secretaries, and the Alas Tribe community from the younger generation to the elderly who understand wedding customs. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation, then analyzed using data reduction, presentation, and verification techniques. The results of the study indicate that the sustainability of wedding culture in the Alas Tribe is supported by community participation in traditional rituals, learning cultural values, and the application of tradition as a community identity. The sequence of traditional rituals of the Alas Tribe includes Sari Pinang, Matokken Upah, Ngampeken, Mekhadat, Mido Pudun, Bagah Pelawanken, Malam Jagai, Tangis Dilo, Pemamanen, Mekhaleng, Antar Nakhuhken, and Senubung. These rituals are an important part of preserving cultural heritage and strengthening the identity of the Alas Tribe.


Existence; Alas tribe community; Marriage cultural.

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List of Informants

Kasiman Sinaga, Tokoh Adat Desa Pulo Sanggar pada 23 Mei 2024

Khairul Sinaga, Sekretaris desa Muara Lawe Bulan pada 24 Mei 2024

Deby Febriani Selian Tokoh pemuda Desa Mbarung pada 27 Mei 2024


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Copyright (c) 2025 Alvira Wiabda Sari Tambunan, Rholand Muary

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Al-Mujtama’: Journal of Social Sciences

Published by Faculty of Social Sciences

State Islamic University of Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia



Al-Mujtama': Journal of Social Sciences is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License