Analisis Upaya Pengendalian Bahaya Kebisingan Kerja dengan Pendekatan Hirarki Pengendalian di Area Produksi Basah PT. Hok Tong Jambi Tahun 2023
Background: The production process carried out at PT Hok Tong Jambi is inseparable from the help of production machinery and equipment, whose operation can produce loud sounds continuously, resulting in noise that will have an impact on workers' health if not properly controlled. Therefore, there is a need for a hierarchical control analysis that ranks methods to control exposure in the workplace based on their effectiveness. Methods: The study used a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data was obtained from 5 informants by conducting in-depth interviews with qualitative data analysis and framework analysis using the help of Nvivo software and using triangulation of sources and methods to generalize data. Conclusion: (1) Elimination cannot be done, because the machine used is the main machine, (2) Substantiation cannot be done, because the appropriate tool has not been found, (3) Engineering Engineering is done by covering the machine (silencer), but noise still occurs due to the old age of the machine, (4) Administration is known that rest time is in accordance with Labor Law No. 13 of 2003 and Job Creation Law No. 11 of 2020, namely 1 hour and work rotation every 2 hours in noise work areas >85 dB, (5) Personal Protective Equipment has been provided in the form of earplugs, earmuffs and earmuffs. 13 of 2003 and Job Creation Law No. 11 of 2020, namely 1 hour and work rotation every 2 hours in noise work areas >85 dB, (5) Personal Protective Equipment has been provided in the form of earplugs, earmuffs and has been replaced when needed by reporting to the Safety Officer. Training on the use and maintenance of PPE is provided with breafing 2x a week and there is already a safety patrol but not yet maximized.
Keywords: Noise, Hierarchy of Control, Occupational Hazard Control Noise, Rubber Factory, Occupational Safety and Health
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