Analysis of Leading Food Crops and Horticulture Commodities to Increase Economic Growth in Binjai City Using the Location Quentient and Shift Share Approach

Putri Hermayani, Muhammad Yafiz, Reni Ria Armayani Hsb, Alfia Rahman, Zultri Aulia


Future agricultural development is based on the potential and superior commodities of the local area. Each region has its own superior commodities, depending on the resources they have. Food crops are strategic and attractive commodities in relation to the issue of increasing production and guaranteeing their availability. Food needs continue to increase in line with population growth. Determining superior commodities is one of the keys to success in developing the agricultural sector. For this reason, regional governments must prioritize developing commodities that have comparative advantages and competitive advantages. The sample in this research is data on the harvest area and production of food crops in Binjai City in the 2018-2022 period as well as the harvest area and production of horticultural crops in Binjai City in the 2018-2022 period. Analysis The data analysis used in this research is by using Location Quontient and Shift Share analysis. The results of the DLQ analysis for ten commodities in the food crops and horticulture sub-sector resulted in all commodities having a DLQ value greater than one. So that all these commodities will become the basis in the future Keywords: Economic Growth, Leading Commodities, Food Crops, Horticulture

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International Conference of Islamic Economics, Business, Social and Tourism Development (ICONIBUST) by Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam