Winda Novianti


Teacher competence is the entire ability and authority of teachers in carrying out the teaching profession, in the form of responsibility in carrying out their duties, namely educating as a form of knowledge and skills rationally, and it can be concluded that teachers who are skilled in carrying out their profession can be called competent and professional teachers. In carrying out their duties, teachers must develop and even improve their competencies, including pedagogical competencies, personal competencies, social competencies, and professional competencies in order to become ideal teachers. Many things must be done in an effort to improve competence by himself as a teacher and also by the leader as the principal towards the teachers as his subordinates. Things that can be done including optimizing the role of the principal as: educators, managers, administrators, supervisors, leaders, creators of work climate and entrepreneurs. Other efforts are supported by the government which is then motivated by the principal, namely the certification program, and the establishment of the PKG (Teacher Activity Center, MGMP (Subject Teachers' Conference), and KKG (Teacher Working Group). In addition to the matters above, the important things and the government needs to do is to build independence among teachers which will foster professional and innovative attitudes towards teachers in carrying out their roles and duties.

Keyword: Efforts, Teacher's Competencies, Professional Development. 

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Pustaka Jaya.


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