MANUSKRIP AL-QUR’AN TERTUA DI SUMATERA UTARA (Studi Kodikologi dan Tekstologi Manuskrip Al-Qur’an)

Amroeni Amroeni, Rofiatul Koiriah Nasution



One part of the historical development of the islamic civilization in Nusantara is the copying of ancient Qur’anic manuscripts. The study of the Qur’anic manuscripts has not been much sought after by academics because they think that the Qur’an has textual similarities and has never changed. In fact, the copying of the manuscripts made by the scholars not only contain the text of the Qur’an but also contains other things that reflect the culture and locality of a society. This is evidence of the existence of scholars’ ijtihad at that time by presenting a manuscript that is familiar to the reader. This study focuses on the Qur’anic manuscript with the collection number SU AQ06/ICH which is stored in the North Sumatra History Museum of the Qur’an. This research is a qualitative research. Judging from the type of data collection, this research is a type of library and field research. Meanwhile, the data analysis method used is descriptive analysis method through a philological approach with the standard edition single manuscript method or text criticism. This study found that the Quran manuscript with collection number SU AQ06/ICH was obtained from a collector by paying a dowry. The condition of the manuscript is not intact and the material used for this manuscript is European paper. The Qur’anic manuscripts found have colophons The system of writing was not a corner system and the beginning of each section was not organized at all. The calligraphy is very simple and the writing is quite consistent. The process of copying the Qur’an manuscript is not solely written with one science, but consists of several auxiliary sciences including:  rasm ‘umānī, ab ‘addul ayy and others. The Qur’an manuscripts written in a mixed rasm, rasm ‘umānī and rasm imlāi. Furthermore, the use of dabṭ has different specifications, while for the calculation of verses, there are several errors that cause differences in the number of verses


Keywords: Qur’an Manuscript, Philologhy,  Rasm ‘Umānī, ab, ‘Addul Ayy


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Ibnu Abbas: Jurnal Ilmu Alquran & Tafsir
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