Muhammad Lathief Ilhamy Nst, Andri Soemitra


In the execution of funding, Islamic banks should satisfy two vital angles, specifically: (1) sharia perspectives, where in each acknowledgment of supporting with clients, Islamic banks should comply to Islamic sharia rules; and (2) the financial viewpoint, which is to remember the benefit gain, both for sharia banks and for sharia bank clients. In view of the conversation above, it very well may be reasoned that the funding in Islamic banking is overwhelmed by murabahah (shopper finance) and mudharabah (working capital) supporting. To guarantee that the execution of murabaha funding is as per the sharia idea, management is required from the Sharia Administrative Board or the Public Sharia Committee, so that murabahah supporting as the diva funding in sharia banking stays inside sharia leads and doesn't harm the picture of sharia banking as a foundation so there could be presently not any impression. that Islamic banks are equivalent to customary banks. Funding will be financing given by involved with one more party to help arranged speculations, either without anyone else or by foundations. All in all, supporting is subsidizing gave to help arranged speculations. The term funding fundamentally implies I accept, I trust. The word funding which implies (trust) implies that the monetary foundation as sahibul al-mal places trust in somebody to do the command given. These assets should be utilized appropriately, reasonably, and should be joined by clear and commonly useful agreements for the two players. Each Islamic monetary establishment has a way of thinking of looking for the joy of Allah swt. to acquire great in this world and the great beyond. Along these lines, any exercises of monetary establishments that are dreaded to go astray from strict direction should be kept away from.


Muamalah Fiqh, Islamic Bank, Financing

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Fatwa Nomor 04/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 tentang Murabahah.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30829/hf.v10i1.11979


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