This study aims to evaluate the guidance and counseling program at SMKN 41
Jakarta as supporting students in solving problem and developing students self
potential. The evaluation model used is CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) to
get a more comprehensive anin-depth picture of the guidance and counseling
program.This study uses a qualitative approach wth descriptive methods. Data was
obtained from counseling and guidance coordinator, counselor, and students of
SMKN 41 Jakarta using interview techniques, document studies, and
observations.The results of this study indicate that on the Context aspects, based
on the results of the achievement analysis are in the high category, as well as the
input aspects of the program which are also in the high category. The process
aspect are in the high category, but in the product aspect it can be said to be in the
moderate category. This the guidance and counseling program can be said to be
well organized, but in the category of moderate product still need to be improved. .
In order to improve the implementation of the program, there are several
recommendations that can be conveyed, there are:1) preparation of special
documents on the profile of guidance and counseling program; 2) preparation of
special document detail of funding for guidance and counseling program; and 3)
addition of counseling and guidance counselor personnel.
Full Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30821/hijri.v8i2.6986
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