Effectiveness of Health Education on Fish Consumption Behavior in Populations at Risk of Coronary Heart Disease

Lilik Subagiyo Utomo, Beti Kristinawati


Health education is important for people to know and want to prevent coronary heart disease by consuming fish. Fish is an animal that produces omega-3 to prevent coronary heart disease by reducing low-density lipoprotein, which causes plaque buildup on blood vessel walls. Coronary heart disease is caused by a blockage in the walls of blood vessels, preventing blood from reaching the heart. This research aims to increase public knowledge about fish consumption behaviour in populations at risk of coronary heart disease through health education in Nganjat Village, Polanharjo District, Klaten Regency. The research method used is quantitative research, using a Quasi Experiment type and research design with a "One group pre-test post-test" research design. This research was carried out in October – November 2023 in Nganjat Village. The sample used was 50 respondents using a total sampling technique. The data collection technique used a pretest and posttest questionnaire totaling 10 questions to determine fish consumption behavior before and after being given health education. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test which was processed using SPSS software. The study's results showed an influence of providing health education on fish consumption behavior in populations at risk of coronary heart disease (p-value = 0.000). It is recommended that health workers provide interactive and interactive information in the form of health promotion, useful educational media, and measure the impact of health education with a comprehensive evaluation of changes in fish consumption behavior in populations at risk of coronary heart disease.

Keywords: Behavior, Coronary Heart Disease, Fish Consumption, Health Education


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30829/contagion.v6i1.18557


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