Penerapan Usul Fiqh Terhadap Penetapan Nasab Anak Kawin Hamil (Di Luar Nikah)
Abstract : Application of The application of usul fiqh to the determination of the nasab of children born from out-of-wedlock pregnant marriages is a complex issue and often becomes a matter of debate among the circles. is a complex issue and is often debated among scholars and society. scholars and society. This research aims to explore the relevant principles of usul fiqh and their implications in determining the child's children's nasab in the context of Islamic law. The methods used include a qualitative approach qualitative approach through in-depth interviews, literature study, case analysis, and participatory observation. participatory observation. The results show that there are different views among scholars regarding the recognition of children's nasab, with some arguing that nasab is only valid in legally recognized marriages. arguing that nasab is only valid in a legally recognized marriage. However, there are also contemporary views that support the protection of children's rights and the recognition of nasab based on evidence or However, there are also contemporary views that support the protection of children's rights and the recognition of nasab based on evidence or recognition from the father. Research This study recommends the need for a more adaptive reinterpretation of the law to accommodate the interests of children, as well as accommodate the interests of children, as well as community education efforts to reduce social stigma. social stigma. The findings are expected to contribute to development of Islamic law that is more humanist and responsive to current social needs. social needs of today.
Abstrak : Penerapan usul fiqh terhadap penetapan nasab anak yang lahir dari kawin hamil di luar nikah merupakan isu yang kompleks dan sering menjadi perdebatan di kalangan ulama dan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi prinsip-prinsip usul fiqh yang relevan serta implikasinya dalam menentukan nasab anak dalam konteks hukum Islam. Metode yang digunakan mencakup pendekatan kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam, studi literatur, analisis kasus, dan observasi partisipatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pandangan di kalangan ulama mengenai pengakuan nasab anak, dengan sebagian berpendapat bahwa nasab hanya sah dalam pernikahan yang diakui secara hukum. Namun, terdapat juga pandangan kontemporer yang mendukung perlindungan hak-hak anak dan pengakuan nasab berdasarkan bukti atau pengakuan dari ayah. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlunya reinterpretasi hukum yang lebih adaptif untuk mengakomodasi kepentingan anak, serta upaya edukasi masyarakat guna mengurangi stigma sosial. Temuan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam pengembangan hukum Islam yang lebih humanis dan responsif terhadap kebutuhan sosial saat ini.
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