preparation for the Hadith in applying the constructivism learning
strategies? (2) the application of the steps of the Hadith Al-Qur'an teacher
applies the constructivism learning strategies? (3) the involvement of
students in the learning of the Qur'an Hadith using constructnivism? (4)
constraints or barriers to the Qur'anic Hadith teacher in applying
constructivism, andn (5) the effectiveness and learning outcomes of the Al-
Qur'an Hadith and the application of the constructivism learning
strategies?. The subjects of this study were the two Qur'anic Hadith
teachers who worked over five years. Data collection techniques are
carried out by observation, interviews, and document studies. The data
analysis technique uses three stages, data reduction, data display, and
conclusion as recommended by Miles and Huberman. The results, First,
the teacher has made preparations before conducting teaching activities in
the form of preparation of syllabus and Learning Implementation Plans
that have been previously validated (checked) by the principal. Second, the
implementation of constructivism learning strategis in learning has been
carried out, but from the four steps of the constructivism learning
strategies it has not been fully implemented properly. Third, student
involvement in learning tends to be active and the learning conditions are
pleasant. Fourth, the obstacles or obstacles encountered by the teacher
relate to the circumstances and completeness of learning resources and
media. Fifth, the effectiveness and student learning outcomes increase
which can be seen from the acquisition of their mastery learning value.
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