Journal History

  1. Changes in the Editorial Team: In 2022, our journal underwent significant changes in the editorial team. The transition process, which involved appointing new members, handing over responsibilities, and adjusting internal procedures, took longer than expected. This caused delays in the publication process as the new team needed time to adapt and ensure that the quality of the publications was maintained.

  2. Technical Issues with the OJS System: During this period, our journal management system, based on Open Journal Systems (OJS), frequently experienced technical issues, leading to significant downtime. Attempts to upgrade to a newer version of OJS were unsuccessful, adding to the complexity of the technical problems faced. This severely impacted our ability to process manuscripts efficiently and on time, which affected our publication schedule.

  3. Excessive Number of Issues: Our journal had plans to increase the number of issues per year to accommodate the growing number of submissions. However, with the challenges faced by the editorial team and technical difficulties with the system, publishing the planned number of issues became a major challenge. The excessive workload on the editorial team led to significant delays in completing and publishing the planned issues.

Despite these challenges, we have made efforts to overcome these problems. Our editorial team is now stable, and the journal management system has been improved, allowing us to return to a regular publication schedule. Additionally, we implemented a new template starting from Volume 3, No. 2, in 2022, to enhance the presentation and consistency of our publications. We also reduced the number of issues per volume from four to two, as per our request to ISSN BRIN dated October 21, 2024. We are committed to ensuring that similar issues do not occur in the future