Jurnal manajemen Kependidikan dan Keislaman is a peer-reviewed scientific periodical journal published by the Department of Islamic Education Management the Faculty of Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan. 

This scientific code of ethics statement is a statement of the code of ethics for all parties involved in the publication process of this scientific journal, namely managers, editors, bestari/reviewer partners, and authors/writers. In essence, this Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications upholds three ethical values in publication, namely

  1. Neutrality, namely being free from conflicts of interest in publication management;
  2. Justice, namely giving authorship rights to those entitled to be authors/writers; And
  3. Honesty, namely freedom from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism (DF2P) in publications.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Chief Editor:

Determine the name of the journal, scientific scope, periodicity, and accreditation if necessary.

  1. Determine editor membership.
  2. Defining the relationship between publishers, editors, bestari partners, and other parties.
  3. Respect confidential matters, both for contributing researchers, authors/writers, editors, and bestari partners.
  4. Implement norms and provisions regarding intellectual property rights, especially copyrights.
  5. Conduct journal policy reviews and submit them to authors/writers, editors, bestari partners, and readers.
  6. Create code of conduct guides for editors and reviewers.
  7. Publish journals regularly.
  8. Guarantee the availability of funding sources for the continuation of journal publication.
  9. Building cooperation and marketing networks.
  10. Improving the quality of the journal.
  11. Prepare permits and other legal aspects.

  Editor Duties and Responsibilities

The editor provides comments on the author's writing so that readers can understand what the author wants to convey, through comments written on the manuscript and/or discussion facilities on the journal website.

  1. The editor provides comments on the author's writing in accordance with EYD (Enhanced Spelling) language or language that complies with the journal's standards.

  2. The editor strives to continuously improve the quality of publications;

  3. The editor prioritizes freedom of opinion objectively,

  4. The editor submits corrections, clarifications, withdrawals and apologies if necessary,

  5. The editor ensures that the author's writing does not involve SARA or anything that could be detrimental to the publisher and coordinates the author's writing with the publisher's editor-in-chief if the writing is a little controversial.

  6. The editor receives, reviews and follows up on complaints from all parties involved in journal publication;

  7. Editors support initiatives to educate researchers about publication ethics,

  8. The editor does not defend his own opinions, authors or third parties which could result in non-objective decisions,

  9. Editors encourage authors/writers to improve their written work until it is suitable for publication.

  10. The editor layouts the manuscript to be published so that it matches the journal template.

  11. The editor assists the editor-in-chief/chief editor in finalizing a collection of manuscripts before they are printed and published, especially in terms of language, format and layout



Duties and Responsibilities of Bestari Partners

  1. Provide objective and unbiased written feedback regarding the scientific value and contribution of the manuscript to scientific development;
  2. Indicate whether the writing of the manuscript is clear, complete, and relevant, and whether the manuscript is in accordance with the scope of the journal;
  3. Do not provide criticism or comments that are personal; And
  4. Maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript, by not discussing it with unrelated parties, or disclosing the information contained in the manuscript to other parties.

Website Administrator Duties and Responsibilities

Website Administrator is the person responsible for managing the journal website. Specifically, the scope of duties of the Website Administrator is as follows:

  1. Setting up a journal website;
  2. Configure system options and manage user accounts;
  3. Register for editors, reviewers, and authors;
  4. Manage journal features;
  5. View report statistics;